Interview, Emma Robinson, Arts and Creativity Development Officer, Gwanwyn.



Applications are now open for next years Gwanwyn festival, the Wales-wide arts festival and arts programme for over 50’s which will be in its 10th year in 2016. We took some time to ask Emma Robinson the Arts and Creativity Development Officer at Gwanwyn her thoughts on the festivals activity to date.


Emma Robinson the Arts and Creativity Development Officer. at Gwanwyn

Emma, Can you tell us about the Gwanwyn Festival?

Gwanwyn is Wales’ only dedicated festival that celebrates creativity in older age. It takes place throughout the month of May each year and last year over 10,000 people took part in over 500 events. Gwanwyn means ‘spring’ in Welsh so the festival uses the themes of spring (growth, renewal, opportunity) as a way to celebrate and showcase the very best of creativity as we age! Our aim is to get more older people involved in the arts; be it visual arts, drama…

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